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Merlin Park University Hospital

Galway University Hospitals, comprising of University Hospital Galway (UHG) and Merlin Park University Hospital (MPUH), provide a comprehensive range of services to emergency and elective patients on an inpatient, outpatient and day care basis across the two sites.

GUH play a leadership role in acute service delivery providing regional services for a wide range of specialities and is also a designated supra regional centre for cancer and cardiac services serving a catchment area in the region of one million people along the West from Donegal to Tipperary North.

Merlin Park University Hospital is a Model 2 hospital.

GUH is recognised for Higher Medical Training in all specialities.

Main Phone Number: +353 (0)91 544544
Waiting List Call Centre: +353 (0)91 893300

Visiting times are:

  • 2pm to 4pm
  • 6pm to 8pm

Visiting Restrictions eased at Galway University Hospitals

Galway University Hospitals, in line with guidance issued by national HSE, will be implementing changes to visiting arrangements at both University Hospital Galway and Merlin Park University Hospital with effect from Monday 21st June 2021.

1000th patient at Merlin Park Virtual Orthopaedic Clinic

A new virtual orthopaedic clinic in Merlin Park University Hospital saw 1,000 patients within the first 10 weeks of operation. The consultant-led clinic replaces face-to-face appointments for patients with fractures that don’t require surgery.

Launch of new International Dysphagia Diet Standardisation Initiative at Galway University Hospitals

The Speech and Language Department at Galway University Hospitals (GUH) is taking part in a worldwide launch of a new grading system for modified diets/fluids for people with Dysphagia, which is the medical term for swallowing difficulties.

Chronic Pain Advice from Physiotherapists in Merlin Park University Hospital

To mark International Chronic Pain Awareness Month, the Physiotherapy Department in Merlin Park University Hospital are holding a Chronic Pain Awareness Day on Thursday 26 September from 10am to 11am and from 12pm to 1.30pm in the hospital canteen in Block B. On the day, staff, patients and visitors will have the opportunity to meet with experienced physiotherapists who work with people experiencing chronic pain.

Merlin Park University Hospital goes live with the Irish National Orthopaedic Register

Merlin Park University Hospital is the first hospital in the Saolta University Health Care Group - and sixth in the country - to roll out the Irish National Orthopaedic Register (INOR) which is a national electronic register of patients receiving joint replacement surgery in Ireland.


Merlin Park Hospital Map

merlin park university hospital galway

Information coming soon