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Galway University Hospitals raises awareness of Oesophageal Cancer

Galway University Hospitals recently held a very successful oesophageal cancer awareness day in the foyer of UHG. At the information day, Clinical Nurse Specialists in Upper GI Cancer and Colorectal Cancer met with members of the public to discuss concerns and to answer questions.

Emergency Department at Letterkenny Hospital to re-open on 12 March

The Emergency Department at Letterkenny Hospital will re-open to patients on Wednesday 12 March at 8am.
Mr Sean Murphy, General Manager, Letterkenny General Hospital said, “I would like to advise all patients that the work to rebuild the Emergency Department and the Acute Medical Assessment Unit following the flood last July has been completed and both Departments will re-open next Wednesday.

National No Smoking Day at Letterkenny Hospital

Yesterday, Wednesday 05 March, was National No Smoking Day’. It is 18 months since Letterkenny Hospital and St Conal’s Hospital introduced the Smoke Free Campus Policy and we would like to remind patients and visitors to the campus of the reasons why it was introduced and the benefits to date.

Mayo General Hospital is now a smoke free campus

Mayo General Hospital introduced a smoke free campus policy, today Wednesday 05 March.
It is no longer possible to smoke anywhere on the hospital grounds, for example entrances, doorways, walkways, internal roads, car parks, cars, bicycle shelters etc.

The National Clinical Programme for Diabetes at Letterkenny Hospital

The National Clinical Programme for Diabetes has created a new post for an Integrated Diabetes Clinical Nurse Specialist and as a result, the nursing resource in Letterkenny General Hospital will be restructured, delivering benefits to both children and adults with Diabetes.

€1.65m Emergency Department at Letterkenny Hospital to re-open on 12 March

The Minister for Health, Dr James Reilly TD, visited Letterkenny General hospital today (Monday 03 March) for an event to mark the forthcoming opening of the Emergency Department/Acute Medical Assessment Unit which will become operational on Wednesday March 12: the new €1.65m unit will fully restore all Emergency Department facilities along with the 11 Bed Acute Medical Assessment Unit lost in the flood on July 26 which damaged 40% of the hospital’s ground floor space, affecting 70% of servic

Mammography Imaging Equipment at Sligo Regional Hospital

The West / North West Hospitals Group confirms that the mammography imaging equipment at Sligo Regional Hospital has been decommissioned. The equipment is over nine years old and does not meet current guidelines for breast care services: even if repaired it would suffer from inadequate detector size, inferior imaging performance and inability to fit up to date software.

“Lost” a photographic exhibition by photographer Seamie Gallagher opens this week on the Arts Corridor at University Hospital Galway

An exhibition of photographs titled “Lost” by photographer Seamie Gallagher is currently on display on the Arts Corridor at University Hospital Galway. The exhibition runs until Friday 04 April and members of the public are welcome.

Hospital group launches new website at recent board meeting

Ross Cullen, Technology Infrastructure Officer at UHG NUI Galway student Patrick at the launch of the WNWHG Website

At the recent West / North West Hospital Group board meeting at the Croí Heart and Stroke Centre in Galway, the hospital group's new pilot website was launched. This was the first time that the board got to see the finished pilot and were given an interactive tour through some of the key areas of the website. 

Joint Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement meeting in Letterkenny General Hospital

A delegation from the Joint Committee on the Implementation of the Good Friday Agreement met with representatives from the West/North West Hospitals Group in Letterkenny today. The purpose of the visit was to further develop the Committee’s understanding of the areas where cross-border cooperation in healthcare might be advanced.
