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Saolta News

Construction projects under way at Sligo University Hospital to increase the hospital’s Emergency Department and ICU capacity

A number of important building projects are under way at Sligo University Hospital (SUH) to increase the capacity of the hospital in preparation for seasonal increases in patient numbers over the winter and to help meet additional COVID-19 requirements.

New COVID-19 Laboratory Testing Equipment for Galway University Hospitals Results in Quicker Test Results

The laboratory at Galway University Hospitals has begun COVID-19 testing using a new high-throughput molecular PCR machine. The new equipment will enable the laboratory to process up to 500 swabs from patients per day, with a turnaround of approximately 3 hours per batch. Until now the laboratory was carrying out COVID-19 batch testing on two separate machines with a turnaround of up to 10 hours and a maximum of 300 tests per day.

Report on Emergency Surgery Research at Letterkenny University Hospital

A report focusing upon research carried out at Letterkenny University Hospital (LUH) as part of the Emergency Surgery Outcomes Advancement Project (eSOAP) will be launched next Wednesday, 04 November.

Sligo University Hospital Awarded An Taisce Green Flag

Sligo University Hospital has been awarded the prestigious ‘Green Flag’ and becomes the second hospital in the country to attain the award from An Taisce and the Foundation of Environmental Education (FEE).

Dropping off/Collecting patient property at Mayo University Hospital

Due to the ongoing visiting restrictions at Mayo University Hospital it is not possible for family members to visit patients in the hospital, other than exceptional circumstances such as end of life or critical care.

Advice from Letterkenny University Hospital on World Stroke Day

To mark World Stroke Day today, Thursday 29 October, the Stroke Team at Letterkenny University Hospital would like to advise people on the signs of stroke and to remind everyone to seek help immediately and do not wait to see if symptoms go away.

Delivery of Temporary Modular Unit for Mayo University Hospital

The new modular assessment unit will be delivered to Mayo University Hospital on Wednesday morning (28 October). The first delivery is due at 5am and the full unit is expected to be delivered by 11am. For the duration of the delivery, access to the hospital via the swimming pool entrance will be restricted on John Moore Road.

Galway University Hospitals are hosting a Virtual Career’s Evening for Secondary School Students this year

A group of health and social care professionals at Galway University Hospitals will be holding a virtual Career’s Evening for secondary school students on Thursday 29 October from 6pm.  The event will be hosted on the Webex platform and to take part students can register for free at  Once registered, students will receive a confirmation email with the event details.

1000th patient at Merlin Park Virtual Orthopaedic Clinic

A new virtual orthopaedic clinic in Merlin Park University Hospital saw 1,000 patients within the first 10 weeks of operation. The consultant-led clinic replaces face-to-face appointments for patients with fractures that don’t require surgery.

New Consultant Gastroenterologist joins Galway University Hospitals

Dr Muhammad Farman, Consultant Gastroenterologist with an interest in pancreatico-bilary medicine has recently been appointed to Galway University Hospitals (GUH).

Dr Farman graduated from Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad, Pakistan in 2007 and completed higher specialist training in Gastroenterology in Beaumont Hospital, the Mater Misericordiae University Hospital, St Vincent’s University Hospital and Mercy University Hospital, Cork.
