Earlier this year Mayo University Hospital (MUH) appointed its first Clinical Midwife Specialist in Lactation, Mary Sammon. Mary has been looking after mothers and babies in the Maternity Unit as a midwife for 27 years but took up this specialist post to provide expert antenatal and postnatal breastfeeding support and education in MUH.
National Breastfeeding Week is marked each year from 01 to 07 October, it is an opportunity to discuss the importance of breastfeeding as the normal and healthy way to feed babies and young children. Breastfeeding gives babies the best start for a healthy life and it protects both mother and baby, the health benefits are undisputed. It is also crucial that women are empowered, enabled and supported on their breastfeeding journey.
Young patients attending the Paediatric Outpatients and Physiotherapy Departments in Sligo University Hospital (SUH) can enjoy renovated spaces which focus on stimulation and play.
Tá áthas ar Ghrúpa Cúraim Sláinte Ollscoile Saolta tuarascáil le athbhreithniú domhain a sheoladh go hoifigiúil ar fheidhmiú céimneach Chlár Vacsaínithe COVID-19 ar fud an Iarthair agus an Iarthuaiscirt.
Patients availing of the new hospital avoidance pathways for cardiac care in the West of Ireland have praised the enhances in care, as they mark World Heart Day, today September 27th.
The Enhanced Community Care pathway for Cardiology has been up and running since March 2023 in the West of Ireland under the joint governance of the Saolta University Health Care Group and Community Healthcare West.
The Saolta University Health Care Group is pleased to officially launch an in-depth look back report on the rollout of the COVID-19 Vaccination Programme across the West and Northwest.
Read Mór: Arts Council gift 400 books to patients in Portiuncula University Hospital for Culture Night Patients in selected hospitals across the country have been gifted a free book on Culture Night / Oíche Chultúir 2023 by the Arts Council
Read Mór: Arts Council gift 880 books to patients in Letterkenny University Hospital for Culture Night Patients in selected hospitals across the country have been gifted a free book on Culture Night / Oíche Chultúir 2023 by the Arts Council
The Saolta University Health Care Group and Galway University Hospitals welcome the progress in developing a new surgical hub in the city.
The hub, on the grounds of Merlin Park University Hospital will provide a significant uplift in surgical capacity for the region. It will reduce waiting times for day case procedures by significantly increasing the capacity for elective day case surgery in a dedicated facility.