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Letterkenny University Hospital

Letterkenny University Hospital is an acute general and maternity hospital delivering a patient-centred, quality-driven focused service and a wide range of diagnostic and support services. LGH is a teaching hospital with links to the National University of Ireland Galway, the Royal College of Surgeons and the Letterkenny Institute of Technology. Undergraduate Nurse, Midwifery, and AHP training and clinical placements are also provided at the hospital along with post graduate Medical and Nursing education.

Main Phone Number: +353 (0)74 9125888

Visiting times are:

  • 2.30pm to 4pm
  • 6.30pm to 8.30pm

Maternity Unit

For a virtual tour of the Maternity Unit in Letterkenny University Hospital click here: 


Letterkenny University Hospital Introduces Reusable Coffee Cups for Staff

As part of Letterkenny University Hospital’s plan to reduce its impact on the environment in 2019, the Sustainability Team at the hospital teamed up with Donegal County Council to introduce reusable coffee cups for staff working in both organisations.

The reusable cups feature a design created by the hospital’s Catering Managers Mark Duffy and Arindam Ghosh along with Suzanne Bogan, Waste Awareness Officer from Donegal County Council.  

Donegal Heart Failure Project to receive Sláintecare Funding

A proposed Heart Failure Integrated Service for Donegal is one of the successful projects to benefit from the €20m Sláintecare Integration Fund announced by The Minister for Health, Simon Harris TD recently.

Letterkenny’s First COPD Event

Letterkenny University Hospital is organising the first COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) patient information event for people with symptoms of COPD on Thursday 05 September in the Mount Errigal Hotel from 10.30am to 3.30pm.

Letterkenny University Hospital marks World No Tobacco Day

All Tobacco Products have Filters, they are called Lungs
On Friday 31 May, to mark the WHO World No Tobacco Day, Letterkenny University Hospital will hold an information session on quitting smoking and the benefits of quitting from 10am to 2pm.

Letterkenny University Hospital has an important message about Stomas and Stoma Care

Having a stoma is only a small part of a bigger picture and does not change you as a person

Rita Marren, Clinical Nurse Specialist at Letterkenny University Hospital explains, “Surgery that involves having a stoma can appear to be a daunting experience. I’d like to let everyone know that after the procedure, the majority of people can return to regular activities and routines with only small adjustments.


Letterkenny University Hospital Map

Letterkenny university hospital letterkenny

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