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Roscommon University Hospital

Roscommon University Hospital is part of the Saolta University Healthcare Group. The hospital has a walk in Injury Unit (GP or self referral), which is open from 8am until 8pm, seven days per week which treats minor injuries for adults and children over the age of 5. For more information on injuries which can be treated in the Injury Unit, please click on the “Patient Information” tab. The hospital also has a Medical Assessment Unit which is open Monday to Friday from 9:00am to 5:00pm.  Attendance at the Medical Assessment Unit is by GP referral only.

Main Phone Number: (090) 662 6200

Injury Unit: 090 663 2212 or 090 663 2120

Visiting times are:

  • 2pm to 4pm
  • 6.30pm to 8.30pm

Volunteer with RUH 

Help to improve the patient experience in RUH by signing up for a volunteer role in the hospital. Find out more here.

Official Opening of New Suite of X-Ray Equipment in Roscommon University Hospital

The newly upgraded X-ray suite at Roscommon University Hospital has been officially opened by Tony Canavan, CEO of the Saolta University Health Care Group. The project involved refurbishing the existing two X-ray rooms and an investment of over €465,000 in new digital equipment.

Roscommon University Hospital and the Saolta Staff Recognition Awards 2019

Roscommon University Hospital (RUH) won Saolta Staff Recognition Awards in two categories at a ceremony in Mayo on Friday evening.

The Rapid Access Haematuria Service Team won the Award for ‘Award for Innovation in a Clinical Area’ and the ‘Outstanding Employee Award’ was presented to Noreen Fallon, Respiratory Clinical Nurse Specialist.

Roscommon University Hospital awarded Gold Happy Heart Award

Roscommon University Hospital awarded Gold Happy Heart Award

The Irish Heart Foundation has awarded the Gold Happy Heart Award to Roscommon University Hospital in recognition of the ongoing work at the hospital to promote healthy eating in the workplace.

RUH to provide skin cancer advice at the Ploughing Championships

RUH to provide skin cancer advice at the Ploughing Championships

Specialists from the department of Plastic Surgery at Roscommon University Hospital (RUH) will be at the HSE Health and Wellbeing Marquee at the National Ploughing Championships on Thursday 19 September to offer advice on how to reduce the risk of skin cancer and empower people with knowledge so that they can identify skin cancer at an early stage.

Successful Haematuria Pilot at Roscommon University Hospital forms part of National Urology Strategy

Roscommon University Hospital was delighted to host the launch of the new urology model of care for Ireland on Friday 06 September.


Visting Hours

2.00 p.m. - 4.00 p.m.

6.30 p.m. - 8.30 p.m.

Here is a link to the Patient Information Booklet

Here is a link to the latest  Patient Information Leaflet Resumption of Normal Visiting During Covid

Injuries Unit

Opening Hours:    8.00am to 8.00pm daily, 7 days a week, 365 days a year.

Contact details:    (090) 6632212 or (090) 6632120

How to Refer:      Self-referral walk in service
                               GP / Westdoc referral

Charges:               Medical Card Holders – No Charge
                               Medical / GP referral letter - No Charge
                               Review appointment – No Charge
                               Non-medical card holders (without a GP referral letter) – Currently €75
                               Non-EU short term visitors – Currently €200

After 8.00pm or for injuries outside the remit of the Injury Unit please contact your local GP or go to your nearest Emergency Department.


The Injuries Unit treats √

The Injuries Unit does not treat  x

  • Suspected broken bones in legs from knees to toes
  • Suspected broken bones in arms from collar bone to finger tips
  • All sprains and strains
  • Facial injuries (including oral and nasal injuries)
  • Minor scalds and burns
  • Wounds, bites, cuts, grazes and scalp lacerations
  • Small Abscesses and boils
  • Splinters and fish hooks
  • Foreign bodies in eyes/ears/nose
  • Minor chest injuries
  • Minor Head injuries (fully conscious patients, who did not experience loss of consciousness or vomit after the head injury)
  • Road Traffic Accident – delayed presentations only
  • Change of Indwelling Urinary Catheter (Adults only)
  • Peg tubes re-insertion (Adults only)
  • Dislocated shoulders (Adults only)
  • Any child younger than 5 years of age
  • Any child aged 5 years or older with a non-traumatic limp or non-use of a limb
  • Conditions due to “Medical Illness” fever, seizures, headache respiratory symptoms
  • Injuries following a fall from a height or a road traffic accident
  • Serious head injuries
  • Chest pain
  • Respiratory conditions
  • Abdominal pain
  • Gynaecological problems
  • Serious neck/back pain
  • Pregnancy related conditions
  • Pelvis or hip fractures


Roscommon Injury Unit Leaflet

In an emergency please go to your nearest Emergency Department or call an ambulance on 999 or 112.

Comments, compliments or complaints

There are various options available for contacting us with your feedback.

  • In Person: Talk to any member of our staff, any service manager or one of our Complaints Officers: Claire Conlon, Risk Manager ( or Mary Garvey, General Manager (
  • Online Form: Send your complaint securely through the online feedback form
  • By Email: E-mail with your feedback.
  • By Letter: Send a letter to the General Manager’s Office, Roscommon University Hospital, Athlone Road, Roscommon.
  • By Feedback form: Complete a Feedback form, available the Hospital Reception. The form is also available online in 9 languages
  • Ring us: LoCall 1890 424 555: Your call will be answered by a staff member from the HSE National Complaints Governance and Learning Team.
  • Through Advocacy Services: Contact an Advocacy Service.
  • National Specialist in Accessibility: The HSE has appointed a National Specialist in Accessibility who will provide guidance, advice and strategic support in the promotion of access for people with disabilities. The purpose of the role is also to develop a strategic framework for the implementation of Part 3 of the Disability Act 2005 in the HSE.

For further information on the complaints process, how to make a complaint, what to include, please click here

Useful Contact Numbers

Main Hospital Number

(090) 662 6200

Admissions Office

(090) 663 2201

General Manager’s Office

(090) 663 2218

Complaints/Comments/Quality & Safety

(090) 663 2192

St. Coman’s Ward

(090) 663 2223

St. Teresa’s Ward

(090) 663 2230

St. Bridget’s Ward

(090) 663 2214 / 2215

Day Surgical Ward

(090) 663 2339

Urgent Care Centre (Injury Unit /

Medical Assessment Unit / Medical Day Services)

(090) 663 2212 / 2120

Endoscopy Unit

(090) 663 2045 / 2046

Ambulatory Care & Diagnostics Department (ACAD)

(090) 663 2381

Outpatients Department

(090) 663 2300

Patient Accounts

(090) 663 2269/2272

Patient Services

(090) 663 2243


(090) 663 2213 / 2261


(090) 663 2258/2176

Cardiac Investigations

(090) 663 2281

Please attempt to phone the direct number of the Department you require and avoid using the main hospital number where possible.


Parking is available in designated car parks on the hospital campus and is free of charge. There are spaces allocated for patients
with restricted mobility. Overflow parking is available in the public car parking area outside Dr Hyde Park (GAA Grounds) adjacent
to the hospital. This public car parking area is also free of charge. If you or your passengers have restricted mobility and require
assistance, please contact the hospital switchboard on 090 662 6200.

Roscommon University Hospital Map

Roscommon County Hospital, Athlone Road, Roscommon, Ireland

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